Leaf Lard -- Pork

Leaf Lard -- Pork

approximately 2.5 LB
$3.00 /lb.
Avg. 2.5 lb.

Nothing makes fluffier biscuits than our Ossabaw Island Pork leaf lard! 

Leaf lard is the hard fat that surrounds the kidneys and other internal organs of the hog. When rendered out, it is an incredible, high smoke point cooking fat. 

To render leaf lard, cut the lard into small pieces and place in a large heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat. Allow the fat to melt, stirring occasionally. Once the fat has melted, watch closely until the liquid stops bubbling. When it is finished bubbling, the water has all evaporated and you are left with pure fat. Strain into a heat-proof container and enjoy! 

Store rendered lard in an airtight container such as a mason jar. It will be good on the counter for a month or so, and will last for up to a year in the fridge or freezer. 

Because of the high levels of unsaturated fat in our pasture-raised pork lard, the rendered product is softer at room temperature than conventional lard. 

The mild flavor of leaf lard makes it excellent for both sweet and savory cooking projects. Use lard as the cooking fat for making pork chops to get an excellent crispy exterior and highlight the amazing pork flavor. Or, use it to make perfect, light biscuits and pie crusts. 

Each package of Plumb Rocky Farm pork leaf lard weighs roughly two and a quarter pounds, which when rendered out, will be plenty for your cooking needs. 

** Ossabaw Island Hogs are a breed that originates from Ossabaw Island, an island off the coast of Georgia. The wild population of Ossabaw hogs is critically endangered, but there are a number of farms that breed them. **

with customization by Taste Profit Marketing