Pork Tenderloin

Pork Tenderloin

just under a pound
$24.25 /lb.
Avg. 0.85 lb.

The depth of flavor and rich color of our Ossabaw Island pork makes this tenderloin as good as a filet mignon!

The tenderloin is a long narrow muscle that lies along the side of the spine. It is not heavy Lee used which leaves the meat lean and Incredibly tender.

Tenderloin is best cooked hot and fast to see a seal in the juices and keep the meat tender. We recommend searing it over medium-high heat on the stove or the grill. Or, to ensure that you have the perfect finish on your tenderloin sous vide it to an internal temperature of 145° before searing!

Each Plumb Rocky Farm pork tenderloin weighs just under a pound which is enough for two to four people.

Fun fact: Ossabaw Island Hogs are a breed that originated from Ossabaw island, and island off the coast of Georgia. The wild population of Ossabaw hogs is critically endangered, but there are a number of farms that breed them.

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