Smoked Hocks -- Pork

Smoked Hocks -- Pork

approximately 1-1.5 LB per package, 1 per package


Save $1.25 /lb.
$12.50 /lb.
$13.75 /lb.
Avg. 1.5 lb.

The best way to make vegetables taste delicious? Add amazing meat. 

The hock is the lowest part of the pork leg, just above the trotter. It’s a bone-in, skin-on cut that becomes an excellent flavor boost when cured and smoked. Our smoked hocks are full of the rich fat and flavor that only Ossabaw Island Pork has. 

We recommend using smoked hocks to add a smoky, meaty flavor to any braised dish. They are a classic addition to braised beans or greens. Add the whole hock to the pot at the beginning of the cooking process. Once the dish is done, remove the hock, shred the meat, and mix it back in for extra flavor. We also like to put smoked hocks in our chili for added depth!

Each Plumb Rocky Farm smoked hock weighs roughly one to one and a half and a half pounds. Typically two Hocks is enough to flavor several batches of soup, stew, or greens. 

** Our hogs spend their whole lives on pasture. They are often in wooded areas where they are able to root and roam to their heart's content. The diversity of food options in the pastures and woodlands of our farm adds depth to the flavor of the meat. **

with customization by Taste Profit Marketing