Butt Roast -- Pork

Butt Roast -- Pork

Roast sizes vary 2.5 - 4.5 Lb. - please note approximately the size you are looking for.
$14.50 /lb.
Avg. 4.25 lb.

Looking for a juicy and tender pork roast? Look no further than the butt roast from our pasture-raised Ossabaw Island Hog Cross!

Contrary to what you may think, the butt roast in fact comes from the upper part of the front shoulder of the hog.

According to legend, its name comes from the barrels, known as butts, that this part of the shoulder was packed in for shipping.

The butt roast consists of heavily marbled meat, intermuscular fat, and connective tissue that melts together when cook slowly over low heat. It makes an incredible pork roast when seasoned with salt and pepper and herbs, and dry roasted at 350 degrees Fahrenheit oven for several hours. Ultimately it can be braised with your favorite seasoning then shredded and served on top of polenta.

However, you prepare this cut, the way that the melting pork fat base itself as it cooks will have you coming back for a second and third.

Each Plumb Rocky Farm pork butt roast weighs approximately 3 lb which is enough to serve six to eight people.

Fun Fact: Ossabaw Island Hogs are smaller than conventional pigs and have more marbling. This means that most cuts are slightly smaller, but the incredible flavor is more than worth it.

with customization by Taste Profit Marketing