Cutlets -- Rose Veal

Cutlets -- Rose Veal

approximately 1 LB
$15.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Veal cutlets are a classic for a reason, and ours are some of the best! Taste the difference of pasture-raised rose veal for yourself. 

Veal cutlets are thin steaks cut from the round, or rear leg, of the veal. Each cutlet consists of tender, lean meat with very little fat or connective tissue. The amazing flavor of our veal is really able to shine. 

Cook veal cutlets very hot and fast to ensure that the lean meat stays juicy and tender! 

We recommend using these cutlets to make veal parmigiana, veal piccata, or a delicious breaded veal cutlet sandwich or salad. There are endless ways to prepare veal cutlets, which means you should probably stock up on a few packages so that you can try them all. 

Each package of Plumb Rocky Farm veal cutlets weighs roughly a pound and contains four to five cutlets, which is enough to serve two to three people. 

** Rose veal comes from Jersey cows raised on pasture alongside their mothers so that they eat a diet of milk and grass. The meat has beautiful yellow fat and marbling, and a rich, almost red color. Our veal is tender and incredibly flavorful. **

with customization by Taste Profit Marketing