Ground -- Rose Veal

Ground -- Rose Veal

approximately 1 LB
$11.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Enhance your meatballs, hamburgers, or meatloaf with nutrient-rich, pasture-raised ground veal!

Our ground veal is made from a mixture of the trim from the whole animal. This gives it the perfect ratio of lean to fat and lots of rich flavor. 

Use ground veal to add an extra tender texture to meatballs or meatloaf. It’s also a delicious addition to tomato sauce or chili. We even like to make veal burgers for the grill! The mild beefy flavor of the veal makes it a perfect complement to any seasoning and we are sure you will find endless uses for this versatile grind. 

Each package of Plumb Rocky Farm ground veal weighs roughly a pound which is enough for two to four people. 

** Rose veal comes from Jersey cows raised on pasture alongside their mothers so that they eat a diet of milk and grass. The meat has beautiful yellow fat and marbling, and a rich, almost red color. Our veal is tender and incredibly flavorful. **

with customization by Taste Profit Marketing