Sheep Shoulder Chops

Sheep Shoulder Chops

approximately 1LB
$19.50 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Sheep/Mutton shoulder chops are the perfect way to enjoy our Icelandic lamb on the grill. Everyone will be coming back for seconds!

Shoulder chops are cross-cut sections of the sheep's shoulder. They are a bone-in cut and consist of well-marbled muscle bound together by fat and connective tissue. Because the muscles that form this cut are heavily used, it can be tough if not prepared with care. But, don’t let that deter you from enjoying this juicy, delicious cut of our pasture-raised Icelandic sheep with a slightly more distinct taste.

Making sure that the Sheep shoulder chops stay tender is a matter of marinating the lamb and then cooking it slowly over medium heat, rather than hot and fast. 

First, marinate the meat. Then cook the shoulder chops over indirect heat on the grill or medium heat on the stovetop. Aim for an internal finish of 140-145°F. The longer, slower cooking and higher internal temperature will ensure that the muscle fibers break down and the fat is able to melt into the meat.

They require a bit of patience, but the end results may make lamb shoulder chops your new favorite cut!

Each package of Plumb Rocky Farm lamb shoulder chops weighs just under a pound and contains two chops which is enough for one to two people.

** Icelandic Sheep are a heritage breed. They are the oldest purebred lamb and have a more mild flavor than other breeds. Our pasture-raised lambs and sheep eat a 100% grass diet which results in delicious, nutrient-rich meat. **


Icelandic Mutton/sheep
with customization by Taste Profit Marketing