T Bone Steak  -- Rose Veal

T Bone Steak -- Rose Veal

Slightly under 1 LB
$26.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Everyone loves a bone-in steak! These T Bones have bonus flavor and nutrients that you won’t find without the bone. 

T Bone steaks are cut from the loin primal which is located near the spine. They consist of a New York Strip steak connected to a T-shaped bone. The meat on a T Bone is lean and tender with a nice fat cap running along the outside edge. 

Because our Veal is a Jersey breed, the steak is longer and more narrow than a conventional T Bone, and even more delicious! 

We recommend cooking T-Bone steaks on the grill. Utilize the reverse sear method by starting the steak over indirect heat and then finishing it over direct heat once it has reached your desired internal temperature. Cut the steak into thin slices to serve, but don’t forget to save the bone, because what’s better than chewing on the bone after finishing a delicious steak?

Each Plumb Rocky Farm T Bone steak weighs roughly two-thirds of a pound which is enough to feed one person. 

** Rose veal comes from Jersey cows raised on pasture alongside their mothers so that they eat a diet of milk and grass. The meat has beautiful yellow fat and marbling, and a rich, almost red color. Our veal is tender and incredibly flavorful. **

with customization by Taste Profit Marketing