Turkey thighs

Turkey thighs

approximately 2 LB
$12.50 /lb.
Avg. 1.75 lb.

Turkey thighs are juicy dark meat with high collagen content that melts into the meat for increased richness. They have the skin and bone in for added flavor. Enjoy the wonderful smell of turkey roasting in the oven, put them in a smoker, or pop them on the grill with your favorite sauce. one to a package.- weights vary

Pasture Raised, traditional white turkey, Our Turkeys are raised on pasture and Non-GMO grain. They are moved daily to Fresh fields to forage eating bugs and grass, enhancing their natural flavor and nutrition. 

We don’t use antibiotics or hormones; they are naturally raised and processed. They are not injected with water, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, tenderizers, or anything else synthetic—no yucky stuff in our Turkeys

with customization by Taste Profit Marketing