Filet Mignon, Tenderloin --Rose Veal

Filet Mignon, Tenderloin --Rose Veal

approximately .6 LB
$33.00 /lb.
Avg. 0.6 lb.

Our Jersey veal tenderloin steaks are the perfect combination of tender texture and rich flavor. 

The tenderloin steak is cut from the tenderloin which lies along the inside of ribs. This long, thin muscle is rarely used which makes it incredibly lean and tender. Our tenderloin is cut into steaks that are perfect for any meal. 

Because the tenderloin is so lean and tender, it is best prepared simply to let the meat shine. Season with salt and pepper and then sear over high heat to develop a crisp exterior and juicy interior. Alternatively, sous-vide to your preferred internal temperature and then quickly cook over high heat to finish. 

Each package of Plumb Rocky Farm tenderloin steaks weighs a little less than two thirds of a pound which is enough for one to two people. 

** Rose veal comes from Jersey cows raised on pasture alongside their mothers so that they eat a diet of milk and grass. The meat has beautiful yellow fat and marbling, and a rich, almost red color. Our veal is tender and incredibly flavorful. **

with customization by Taste Profit Marketing