Sirloin End Chops Pork

Sirloin End Chops Pork

approximately 1 LB or slightly over
$13.25 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Sirloin end chops are the perfect cut for stocking the freezer. Delicious and great for both braising and grilling, they can be enjoyed all year round! 

Cut from the rear end of the loin, near the hip, sirloin end chops contain a fair amount of connective tissue and fat in addition to lean meat. This makes them very flavorful and means they benefit from a lower and slower cook. 

For summer cooking, marinate sirloin end chops for a few hours in soy sauce, mustard, garlic and a bit of brown sugar then grill over indirect heat. Alternatively, sous vide for six to twelve hours to ensure that the muscle fibers have really broken down, then finish on the grill to get a crisp exterior. 

In the winter, cook sirloin end chops in a tomato-based braise and serve over polenta for the perfect post skiing or snowshoeing meal. 

Each package of Plumb Rocky Farm sirloin end chops weighs just over a pound which is enough for two to four people. 

** Ossabaw Island pork has super unsaturated fat. This type of fat is an integral part of our diet. It is smooth like butter and even the lard is softer at room temperature than other pork lard. **

with customization by Taste Profit Marketing